Faith-based Workshops

+ Learning To Be Loved

Do you sometimes struggle to let others know your needs or to ask for help? Do you long for deeper connection with others, but find vulnerability scary and challenging? Do you want to be seen and loved, but sometimes struggle to actually receive love and let people come alongside you? We all want to love others, but the other side of love is learning to let ourselves be loved. We must learn to let ourselves be carried by love. In this presentation, we’ll discuss what keeps us from fully embracing love and vulnerability, and how we can develop true, authentic connection in our lives.

+ Do You Want To Be Well?

Do you ever feel like you are dragging baggage from one chapter of your life to the next? Do you feel weighed down by old hurts and bad habits? For a lot of us, we want to change, but we get stuck in old ways of thinking and doing. Often we are stuck because we are afraid to change, because change means we have to start doing something new or give up something old. In this workshop, we’ll take a deep dive into Jesus’ interaction with the paralyzed man by the pool and His all important question “Do you want to be well?” We will discuss the fear that keeps us from changing even when we’re hurting, the process of change, and how to live in the freedom of healing.

+ Embracing Your Story

Each of us was given a story to live, and there are parts we love and parts we’d like to ignore or forget. In this workshop, we’ll explore what it means to own our stories, both the beautiful and painful parts. We’ll look at what it means to show up and be seen in our lives, rather than hiding and staying quiet. Together we will learn to embrace our stories, which lead us to a life of joy, courage, and purpose.

+ Believing Your Love Story

Love is at the center of our faith. It is why God created us. It is why He sent His Son. It is His greatest commandment. At the root of this gospel of love is that we are loved…You are loved. But sometimes it is challenging to live from this truth. Oftentimes, the biggest barrier to living loved is the story we are telling ourselves about ourselves. In this workshop, we’ll look at Jesus’ powerful encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. We will discuss how to begin believing our true love story, so we can discover the freedom for which we were designed.

+ Living Loved When We Don’t Feel Loved

We are wired to love and to be loved, and when we don’t feel loved, we can fall into striving, performing, and trying to earn love. How do we live loved when we don’t feel loved? How do we live loved when there have been people in our lives who either did not love us, or could not love us the way we needed to be loved? In this workshop, we’ll discuss how we heal the deep wounds of rejection by discovering the courage to rest and believe in God’s amazing love for us.

+ Using Your Gifts

You have a gift this world needs! Yes, you! Sometimes our gifts get buried by responsibilities and schedules and fear. We lose sight of what brings us joy, what we love to do, even what we are good at! Our restless and wandering minds are often good indicators that we are not allowing ourselves to fully live and use all that we have been given. In this workshop, we’ll discover what it looks like to acknowledge and step into our giftings. Whether it is giving awesome hugs, making a mean lasagna, or being able to organize the world with an incredible spreadsheet, the world needs what only you can do! Together we will discover how to name and claim our God-given gifts so that our lives are an expression of light, gratitude, and purpose.

+ Forgiveness: What is it and How Do We Do It?

How do we forgive another person when they have deeply hurt us? Why is forgiveness important? Is it possible or even wise to forget a past harm done? How do we know when we should trust someone again? In this workshop, we’ll explore forgiveness and the myths and challenges surrounding it, as well as tangible steps for forgiving and learning to trust again.

+ Room At the Table: Understanding God’s Unique Purpose for Women

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of. Women hear throughout their lives what little girls are made of, but are the messages we’re hearing really true? Are the messages we’re hearing the ones God wants us to hear? What does it mean for modern-day women that God did not feel His creation was complete until He created woman? Discover what it means to be a woman of God and how our life roles intersect with God’s unique purpose for us in our churches, relationships, and communities. You were created with purpose and for a purpose!

+ Noticing Goodness: Finding the Joy in the Mundane and the Challenging

Everyone says they want a joy-filled life, but sometimes it feels like joy slips through our fingers like sand. Packed schedules, worries, expectations, and disappointments all have the power to steal our joy. If we want to hold onto joy in our hearts, we have to learn to notice the goodness around us. That doesn’t mean we deny the difficulty that we might be facing, but it does mean we search for goodness and hope in our lives. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to reclaim our stolen joy by being honest about our hurts and fears and finding the goodness around us.

+ You’ve Stayed Here Long Enough. Take the Land

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel paralyzed by a decision, not knowing the best path to take? Do you want to make a change, but are afraid of the unknown consequences? Sometimes life is a waiting game, and sometimes we need to move forward in faith and “take the land.” In this workship, we’ll look at Moses’ encouragement to the Israelites as they prepare to enter the Promised Land. Together we’ll discover how identifying our fears unlocks us from our comfort zone and allows us to live the life for which we were created.

+ (re)Discovering You

Do you ever feel like you’ve lost yourself in the midst of schedules, responsibilities, and the demands of daily life? How would your life be different if you rediscovered those sleeping parts of yourself and breathed them to life again? What if you REDISCOVERED YOU? In this workshop, we’ll learn how to rediscover those lost parts of ourselves and how to live wholly and fully as the people God purposefully created us to be.

+ Set Free to Be Free

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Sometimes we forget we are free. We forget we are actually free to be who God created us to be, free to say yes and no, free to live our lives differently from those around us. The door is open, the chains have been cut, the yoke has been lifted. All of this has been done for us already. The question is, are we going step into our freedom? There is so much in our lives we cannot control, but we can control whether or not we live in the freedom God has given to us, or if we stay in bondage. In this workshop, we’ll learn the steps we need to take to move into our freedom journey.

+ When Life Gives You Lemons: Learning to Conquer Life’s Disappointments and Discouragements

Sometimes the road of life takes unforeseen twists and turns. A relationship ends unexpectedly, your dream job isn’t everything you dreamed it to be, and you’re left wondering how you ended up where you are. In this workshop, we’ll explore what we do when hopes, dreams, and expectations are dashed. Together we’ll learn steps for overcoming life’s disappointments and discouragements, allowing us to face our journey with hope, faith, and courage.