Two Day Retreat For Women

Have you ever tried something new and things didn’t go as planned? Have you ever made a mistake or experienced a hurt that you could not seem let go of? Do you get caught in that unproductive cycle of replaying events and conversations over and over in your mind?

Brené Brown says, “If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall.” As much as we would like for it not to be true, mistakes, failure, and disappointment are a part of life. These unwanted events are deeply painful and can impact how we feel about our worth, our lovability, and our very being.  We get stuck ruminating over the past instead of moving forward into our future.

How do we get unstuck?

How do we learn to move forward in our personal story rather than letting an event determine our sense of worth and lovability?

We learn to rise. We learn to Rise Strong.

Based on Brené Brown’s research, Rising Strong™ is a process that teaches you how to get up after your stumbles so you can let go of your hurts and disappointments and write a new ending to your story. Rising Strong™ unlocks the door to freedom by teaching you to Reckon with your emotions and get curious about what you’re feeling, Rumble with your story until you get to a place of truth, and live this process, every day, until it becomes a practice and creates nothing short of a Revolution in your life.

There is nothing harder than facing our stories of hurt. But when we face our struggles rather than ignoring or avoiding them, we are living brave. Our stories of struggle can be big ones, like the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, or smaller ones, like a conflict with a friend or colleague. Your story of struggle does not have to define you; it can be one chapter in the greater story of your life when you learn to Rise Strong.

For more information and Frequently Asked Questions, Click here.


Want to schedule a Rising Strong™ Workshop with Mazi?