Women’s Retreats Themes and Topics

+ Living Loved

“For God so loved…” “See what kind of love the Father has given to us…” “let us love one another, for love is from God…” Love is at the center of our faith. It is why God created us. It is why He sent His Son. It is His greatest commandment. At the root of this gospel of love is that we are loved…You are loved. Regardless of what you do or don’t do, what you say or don’t say, you were born loved.

But do you live loved? Or do you find yourself trying to earn love? What if all your decisions, interactions, and tasks were rooted in living loved? How would your life, relationships, and faith look different if you believed you were already loved, rather than striving to earn love?

Join us as we look at some of Jesus’ most poignant interactions, and we uncover how to live loved in our daily lives and relationships, including those relationships that are the most challenging or hurtful. When we grasp “how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,” then our scarred hearts will be made whole and our lives will be full. Living loved changes everything.

  • Session 1: Living Loved: Learning to Believe the True Story
  • Session 2: Living Loved Means Loving Difficult People
  • Session 3: Living Loved When We Don’t Feel Loved
  • Session 4: Living Loved: Practical Application for Everyday Living

+ Set Free to Be Free

What would it look like to be free of self-doubt and second-guessing? Are you avoiding decisions, responsibilities, or relationships out of fear of not being good enough or failing? What is the area of your life that you want to show up and be seen in the year ahead? Together we will clarify our sense of purpose while we identify and work to change the beliefs, feelings, and actions that keep us from living the life of freedom God desires for us.

  • Session 1: Set Free to be Free
  • Session 2: Set Free to be Brave
  • Session 3: Set Free to be Healed
  • Session 4: Set Free to be Called

+ Your Story, God’s Purpose

We each were given a story to live. But all too often, our story gets clouded with worries, insecurities, and trying to make sense of the twists and turns of life. We end up losing sight of our purpose and our gifts. We struggle to connect with others because we are afraid to let people really see us. What if there was another way? What if instead of running from our story, we fully embraced it? When we understand how the themes of our lives intersect with God’s plan, we discover our calling. Together we’ll discover how to embrace our stories, practice vulnerability, and live lives of courage and purpose.

  • Session 1: Embracing Your Story
  • Session 2: Embracing Your Vulnerability
  • Session 3: Embracing God’s Purpose

+ Bold and Bright

Over-scheduled. Over-committed. Overfunctioning. When we live our lives in overdrive, we lose our sense of self and direction. We think if we try harder to be better then we will find peace, contentment, and joy. But better is not the answer. Busier is not the answer. Being everything to everyone is not the answer. In these sessions, we’ll learn to be BOLD and BRIGHT in our personal, relational, and spiritual lives.

  • Session 1: What Does It Mean to Be Bold And Bright?
  • Session 2: Boldness in Our Relationships
  • Session 3: Learning to be Bold in Our Relationship with God When We are in The Middle
  • Session 4: Your Bold and Bright Chapter

+ Living Free

Throughout our journey, we have a tendency to accumulate baggage. Painful experiences, bitter disappointments, hurtful words, and seasons of worry can stick to us like velcro, leaving us weighed down and heavily burdened. But this is not how we were created to live. We were created to live FREE. We were created to live in the freedom of love and grace. This is God’s hope and plan for our lives. In this series, we’ll use the 23rd Psalm as our scriptural backdrop, diving into how we can find healing and freedom from the beliefs and experiences that try to weigh us down in life.

  • Session 1: Sheep and Shepherds: Living Free of Self-Reliance, Discontent, Worry, and Guilt
  • Session 2: Valleys and Fears: Living Free of Grief, Fear, and Disappointment
  • Session 3: Chased Down By Love: Living Free of Shame and Doubt

+ Cleaning House: Letting Go of the Clutter In Our Lives

Clutter is the worst! When cabinets and closets are cluttered you can’t find what you’re looking for, you end up grabbing things you don’t need, and you leave your search frustrated and promising to yourself that you will eventually clean out that closet! Just as our closets and cabinets can become cluttered with accumulated stuff, so can our hearts and minds. Over the years, we accumulate messages, habits, hurts, and beliefs that end up taking up space and hindering us from using our God-given gifts and discernment. In these sessions, we’ll learn to identify the clutter in our hearts and minds, and how to surrender it so we can live the life for which we were designed.

  • Session 1: Letting Go of Mental Clutter (Worry, Anxiety, Struggle Making Decisions)
  • Session 2: Letting Go of Heart Clutter (Hurts, Anger, Broken Trust)
  • Session 3: Letting Go of Regret
  • Session 4: Do You Want to be Well?

+ Better Together

Everything in life points to the truth that we are better together. Scripture, science, and day-to-day happenings tell us we are wired for connection. This connection is not a fly by night, temporary, quickly-filled need. This need for connection is a daily, constant, ever-present need. Our need for connection and relationship is like food for our spirit. Our bodies cannot survive without oxygen, food, and water. In the same way, our spirits, meaning heart and mind, cannot survive without connection. In these sessions we’ll learn how to build deeper, healthier connection with those ourselves, others, and God.

  • Session 1: Better Together in Friendship: Discovering Your Worth and Practicing Vulnerability
  • Session 2: Better Together in Family: Finding Healing and Freedom Through Forgiveness
  • Session 3: Better Together at Faith: Choosing God

+ Revived, Renewed, Restored

Do you ever feel like you're going through the motions spiritually? Do you wish you felt more alive in your faith? Sometimes we need an awakening, or a revival of our faith. We need to rediscover the awe-inspiring bigness of God and to be reignited in our pursuit of Him. In these sessions, we’ll discuss how to revive our relationship with God so we can walk with more faith and fulness of life.

  • Session 1: Finding Our Way Home
  • Session 2: Search Me
  • Session 3: Wrestling for Revival
  • Session 4: Take the Land

+ Gaining Clarity in Your Life and Your Decisions

Has your vision ever been clouded? Have you ever struggled to see the path you should take, or the decision you should make? Sometimes it can feel challenging to see God's direction and hear God's voice in our lives. Stress, insecurity, and fear cloud our vision, and we feel lost, overwhelmed, and not sure which way to turn. But when we courageously remove the things that cloud our vision, we can see and hear God's direction for our lives. In this series, we learn how to clearly see and hear from God, His direction for our lives, His love for our souls, and His faithful presence in our journey.

  • Session 1: Blinded by Your Inner Critic
  • Session 2: Blinded for Your Own Good
  • Session 3: Practical Steps for Gaining Clarity

*This series can be three sessions or expanded to six sessions.