Workshops for Leadership and Professional Development

+ Leading Yourself

Self-awareness is our superpower as leaders. To effectively lead others, we must first learn to lead ourselves, and we do this by deepening our self-awareness. Without self-awareness, we live reacting... reacting to things other people do or say, to things beyond our control, and in ways that are not congruent with our values or how we want to come across. A lack of self-awareness leads to disconnection from self and unproductive leadership. Self-aware leaders understand what they are thinking, how they are feeling, and can effectively communicate and respond in any situation. This is an overview workshop that will discuss strategies for increasing our self awareness, emotional intelligence, and empathetic leadership skills.

+ Breaking Your Own Glass Ceiling: Moving Past Your Imposter Syndrome

More often than not, the biggest hurdle to our success and living up to our potential is ourselves. Our thoughts, doubts, and concerns stand in the way of fully pursuing what we want to and what we feel called to do. This struggle can create a “glass ceiling” that inhibits our development and enjoyment of our careers. But this does not have to be our reality. Our goals and ambition can be rooted in healthy striving and not fueled by fear and self-doubt. In this workshop, we will outline why Imposter Syndrome haunts so many successful women, the origins and patterns found in these thought patterns, and how to move away from questioning and overworking to confidence and healthy striving in our careers.

+ Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety. Stress. Worry. Racing Thoughts. These are the things that keep many of us up at night, stealing not only our sleep, but also our concentration, and even our joy. Feeling anxious is normal, but living in the grip of anxiety does not have to be your normal. Your life, your relationships, what you do, and what you say do NOT have to be controlled by anxiety. In this presentation, we’ll discuss some truths about anxiety, as well as tools for taking back the control of our hearts and minds.

+ Facing Uncertainty with Confidence

Change is a certainty in our life, but change brings anything but certainty to our lives. Whether we choose the change or it is thrust upon us, change brings forth a host of thoughts and feelings. How can we learn to handle change so that we can move forward with confidence rather than stay gripped by anxiety? In this presentation, we’ll discuss how we can learn to handle change despite the unknowns and uncertainty and cultivate confidence and clarity for our future.

+ Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence

What purpose do feelings serve in our lives? Are some feelings unhealthy? What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent? Our level of emotional intelligence is the difference maker in our overall effectiveness and success in our professional lives. Understanding the science and purpose of emotion and learning to label our feelings will improve our communication, connection, and stress management.

+ Self-Care and Understanding Your Unique Stress Response

Do you ever feel that you are caught on a merry go round of stress, anxiety, frustration and feeling overwhelmed? Are you ever stumped by what “self-care” actually means and how to implement it into your already full life? Stress is going to happen in our lives. We cannot avoid stress without making our lives very small. Therefore, true self-care is learning to handle whatever happens in life in an effective, engaged, regulated manner. In this workshop, we will learn to identify our unique stress response and how to practice realistic and effective self-care so that we can interact and connect with others effectively and productively.

+ Optimizing Mental Health in the Workplace

The pandemic, coupled with the current social and political climate, has placed unprecedented challenges on the American workplace as it faces issues regarding retention, workplace culture, and changes in morale and connection. As a result, mental health and wellbeing have become significant issues facing leaders and team members. How can we start protecting and optimizing our mental health in the workplace? What are the changes leaders need to make in this new professional landscape? Leaders will learn how to guide their team during this challenging season and will receive strategies for creating environments that guard against burnout and encourage mental wellbeing.

+ Integrating Boundaries and Empathy in our Professional Relationships

As much as we are wired for connection, connection is not always easy. Whether in our personal or professional lives, we are going to encounter people that annoy us, frustrate us, or even hurt us. How do we healthily engage with others when the relationship is not what we want it to be? We do so with boundaries and empathy. In this presentation, we will discuss knowing when and how to set boundaries in our relationships so that we can hold onto who we want to be while still practicing empathy and kindness towards others.

+ Leading with Empathy, Curiosity, and Boundaries

Empathetic leadership has become a buzz phrase in recent years and for good reason. Employees want to be seen and heard and this requires a shift in how leaders interact and manage their teams. In this workshop, we will define empathetic leadership, discuss the importance of the posture of curiosity in leadership, how to listen without defensiveness, and how to model and implement boundaries and personal accountability on your team.

+ Burnout is Real: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Path to Recovery

During the pandemic, 89% of worldwide workers reported feeling professionally burned out and many are continuing to struggle with significant burnout symptoms. Burn out is not something we can continue dismissing or hope that it will go away on its own. We can recover from burnout, but we need more than a few good nights of sleep or drinking more water. It isn’t that simple. Understanding the causes and symptoms of burnout as well as practical steps we can take to move into recovery allows us to rediscover our motivation and purpose.

+ Detaching from Approval-Seeking and Criticism

Our desire for approval and our fear of criticism can lead to a lot of running. We can run after accolades. We can run away from opportunities that might invite criticism. When we are caught in the trap of seeking external approval and always wanting to avoid criticism, it inhibits our ability to lead and live authentic, courageous lives. In this presentation, we will discuss why approval and criticism have such power in our lives. We’ll learn about differentiation and why it is vital to our development personally and professionally, as well as some tips for detaching from our need for approval and criticism.

+ It’s About Time! Effective Strategies to Manage Your Life and Your Time

Do you ever feel you are rushing from one appointment to the next? Does your to-do list seem to grow throughout the day rather than shrink? Do you ever wish there were more than 24 hours in the day? When we feel that our lives and schedules are out of control, we feel stressed and overwhelmed. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. How are you going to spend your 24? Learning to manage your time so that it doesn’t manage you is the first step in using your “24” more effectively and living a life that reflects your priorities, goals, and values.

+ Welcome to the Arena: Learning to Live Brave and Dare Greatly

Where would you like to live more boldly and courageously in your life? What is the area of your life in which you would like to be free of comparison, self-doubt, and second-guessing? How would your relationships and sense of calling thrive if you let go of old baggage and stepped into the arena for which you have been uniquely gifted and created? In this presentation, we will explore how to move out of your personal and professional comfort zone and into a life marked by purpose, authenticity, and courage.

+ Knowing and Moving Past Your Inner Critic

Everyone has an Inner Critic. Some Inner Critics may be louder than others, but everyone has one. When left unchecked, our Inner Critic can have the power to keep us in jobs we don’t like, relationships that are not good for us, and hinder our pursuit of our goals, plans, and giftings. We do not have to live confined by our Inner Critic’s messaging. When we know what our Inner Critic sounds like, why it exists, and where it came from, we can learn to move past our Inner Critic’s shouts into the freedom of our full potential.

+ The Pursuit of Happiness in the Modern Era (and how to stop coming up short)

Happiness. We all want it. We all seek it out. In this modern age, we have conveniences, luxuries, and a standard of living that previous generations could not even dream of. We have all the things that, on paper, should make us happy.


We struggle to find happiness.

Why do we struggle to find something that we intentionally and deliberately pursue? What is keeping us from being happy?

In this workshop, we will discuss how our dogged pursuit of happiness is making us anything but happy and how to create more peace and contentment in our lives in a surprising way.