Workshop FAQs


What is The Daring Way™?

The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was developed to help men, women, and adolescents learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

Do I need to have attended The Daring Way™ before I attend a Rising Strong™ workshop?

No, absolutely not!  Although the curriculums do build upon one another, each workshop is designed to stand alone.  There are no prerequisites for either workshop/retreat.

Who can attend The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ workshops?

The Daring Way and Rising Strong™ are powerful and life changing experiences for individuals, couples, small groups, and corporate teams.  Individuals and couples will find these workshops are an opportunity to get away from the daily grind and pursue individual and relational growth.  Groups of friends will benefit from participating as they learn to practice vulnerability and live brave.  Both workshops are unique training opportunities for corporate teams that are wanting to encourage their team members  to embrace vulnerability and courage as the pathways to creativity and innovation.  The Daring Way and Rising Strong will challenge and empower you to move to the next level in your personal and relational life.

How are the weekend retreats and eight-week groups structured?

The retreats and groups are a combination of teaching, video, large group discussion, individual exercises, and small group processing.  Each retreat has a limited number of participants (8-12) so as to allow for a more intimate experience.

How much personal information about myself am I expected to share with others in the group?

Feel free to share as little or as much as you feel comfortable.  This experience is designed for you and you can go as deep as you would like.  One of the goals of  The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ is that participants will become more comfortable practicing vulnerability and allowing themselves to really be seen in their lives, careers, and relationships.  This retreat/group experience will provide a safe environment to begin opening up with others, if you so choose.

Where are The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ workshops held?

Currently, Mazi Robinson, MS, LPC, NCC is holding The Daring Way and Rising Strong retreats and workshops in the Atlanta area.  If you are interested in hosting The Daring Way in another location, please email Mazi.

How do I know if The Daring Way™ is right for me?

Are you feeling stuck in life and your personal development?
Would you like to form closer relationships with others but struggle to let your guard down to let them really know you?
Do you struggle to know your unique purpose?
Do you sometimes worry about not being good enough and too much all at the same time?
Are there things in your life you would like to do but your fears and insecurities keep you from leaving your comfort zone?
Would you like to be free of self-doubt and feeling not good enough?
Do you want to want to show up and be seen in your life?
Have you read one of Dr. Brené Brown’s books or heard her TED talk and want to learn how to apply her concepts to your own life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, The Daring Way is for you!  The Daring Way™  is a cost efficient,  personal growth experience.  If you have thought about beginning a personal growth journey or you are feeling stalled in your life, The Daring Way™ consolidates weeks of therapy/coaching and can jumpstart and  accelerate your personal development.

What is included in the cost of The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ retreat?

The Daring Way is a psychotherapeutic and educational group experience that consolidates weeks of individual therapy.  The Daring Way™ groups and retreats are priced in such a way that they are more affordable than individual counseling yet give participants a unique experience to grow, heal, and change.    In addition, participants will receive:

  • A pre-retreat/group placement phone conversation with Mazi to ensure a best fit for small group placement

  • Personalized binder with a copy of The Daring Way or Rising Strong™ workbook, exercises, handouts, extra reading

  • Journal

  • Catered lunch, light snacks in the morning and afternoon, beverages (for weekend retreats)

  • Art supplies for art journaling exercise

Art journaling!  Do I need to be an artist to attend this retreat?

Absolutely not!  No art skills required!  Only fun painting, creating at  The Daring Way™!

Does The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ cover the same material and exercises that are covered in the Brené Brown’s COURAGEworks?

If you have completed any of the online classes through COURAGEworks, you will find The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong takes you further down the path of self-acceptance and living brave.

How is the Rising Strong material different from The Daring Way™?

Rising Strong™ picks up where The Daring Way™ leaves off.  Meaning, The Daring Way™ encourages you to identify where you would like to be more vulnerable and courageous in your life and Rising Strong teaches you how to get up after you have fallen in your courageous journey.  If The Daring Way™ helps you discover your true, authentic self, then Rising Strong™ helps you be your healthiest self.  By looking at this very important question- what is the story I am telling myself?-  Rising Strong™ gives you the tools to let go of the past hurts, struggles, and mistakes that keep you from daring greatly and living brave.

How do I know if the Rising Strong™ retreat is right for me?

Do you have past hurts, mistakes, disappointments that you are struggling to let go of?
Do you ruminate over or replay conversations, situations, and interactions with others wondering if you said or did the wrong thing?
Have you experienced a failure or fall after daring greatly and you can’t seem to shake it off?
Do you allow your actions or someone else’s criticism to define your worth?
Do you find yourself caught in a trap of bitterness and resentment regarding certain situations and relationships in your life?
Are you struggling with forgiveness and discovering the freedom that comes with forgiving someone and letting go of that hurt?
Are you struggling with a loss and you know you need to process and grieve that loss but it feels overwhelming and scary?
Would you like to develop a deeper level of self awareness regarding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so that you can stop overreacting and instead intentionally choose your actions?
Would you like to become more aware of the story you are telling yourself about yourself so that you can learn to overcome fears and insecurities and live a more courageous and authentic life?If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I strongly encourage you to join us for a Rising Strong™ retreat! Rising Strong™ is a three part process that teaches us how to let go of the hurts, disappointments, and mistakes that cause us to stumble.  It gives you the skills to become more aware of what you are thinking and feelings so that you can choose a different way of behaving.   Through the exercises and discussions, you will walk away from this workshop with a greater understanding of yourself and how to RISE STRONG in times of difficulty.

Is there any pre-homework that needs to be completed to participate in The Daring Way™ or Rising Strong™?

No, there is no pre-homework you will need to complete before participating in either retreat.   If you would like, you may read any of Dr. Brené Brown’s books-  I Thought It Was Just Me, The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong –  prior to the workshop, but it is not required reading.
After you submit your online registration form, Mazi will email you the registration paperwork for you to complete and send back to her.