Workshops & Retreats
As a motivational speaker, Mazi crafts her presentations around the specific needs and goals of the group or event allowing audience members to walk away feeling
encouraged and inspired.
Personal Growth Topics
(re)Discovering You
The Beauty of Being Enough
How Do We Heal?
Set Free to Be Free
Understanding Anxiety
Believing Your Love Story
Learning To Be Loved
Knowing and Moving Past Your Inner Critic
Not Your Typical Self Care Talk
It's About Time! Effective Strategies to Manage Your Life and Your Time
Can’t We All Just Get Along?: Practicing Kindness and Boundaries in our Relationships
Retreat Topics
Living Loved
Set Free to Be Free
Your Story, God’s Purpose
Bold and Bright
Revived, Renewed, Restored
Cleaning House: Letting Go of the Clutter in
Our Hearts and Minds
Better Together
Seeing Clearly & Gaining Clarity In Your Life
Traveling Light, Living Free
Discovering the True You: Cultivate Courage and Freedom in Your Life and Relationships
Professional Development Seminar Topics
Understanding Anxiety
It's About Time: Effective Strategies to Manage Your Life and Your Time
Knowing and Moving Past Your Inner Critic
Detaching from Approval Seeking and Fear of Criticism
Burnout: Prevention and Recovery
Leading Yourself: The Power of Self-Awareness in Your Professional Growth
Empathetic Leadership
Managing Stress & Understanding Your Unique Stress Response
Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Integrating Boundaries and Kindness in the Workplace
The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong Workshops
The Daring Way™ for Women
The Daring Way™ is a powerful and life changing experience that is based on Dr. Brené Brown’s years of research on shame and vulnerability.
Rising Strong™
Rising Strong is a process that teaches us how to rise and recover after experiencing any sort of disappointment, frustration, heartbreak.

Leadership Development Training in the Post-COVID Work Place
Due to COVID, the American workforce experienced a seismic shift almost overnight in what it needs and expects from leaders and companies. As a result, leaders are needing a new skillset. Employees want leaders who can do more than just delegate, project manage, and implement. Employees now want and expect leaders to create healthy, functional working environments that set team members up to thrive internally so they can perform externally.
In Mazi's team building and leadership development workshops, she discusses such relevant topics as understanding anxiety, mental health in the work place, becoming empathetic leaders, building emotional intelligence, productive communication strategies, and burnout recovery.
Mazi will help your leaders and team members develop the self awareness and relational skills necessary to succeed in our 21st century work place. Increased understanding of how and why we think, feel, and act the way we do leads to healthier communication, cooperation, and enhanced productivity within organizations.
Business, education, church, and government leaders will benefit from these fast-paced and interactive trainings as they take
their leadership and management skills to the next level.

Cultivate Gatherings
Mazi is Founder and Director of Cultivate, which hosts bi-monthly Gatherings for the women of Atlanta to learn and grow together. These events are free and open to women of every age, stage, and season. They provide the opportunity for community with other women who are also pursuing personal growth and spiritual development. Mazi invites you to attend a Cultivate Gathering to connect with new and old friends, learn from other's stories of courage and faith, and dig deep into topics that touch your life.
There are no upcoming events at this time.